Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte with Pumpkin Cold Foam

Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte with Pumpkin Cold Foam


2 tbsp Torani Puremade Pumpkin Pie Sauce

Albanese Candy Pumpkin Spice Malt Balls

8 oz of milk of choice

2 shots espresso


Heavy cream for cold foam


Melt 3-4 Albanese Candy Pumpkin Spice Malt Balls in a glass with 2 shots of espresso. Stir until the chocolate and espresso is combined and add ice to the glass. Pour milk over the top. In a separate bowl, whisk heavy cream with Torani Puremade Pumpkin Pie sauce. When your cold foam is frothed, add it to your iced latte, and drizzle more pumpkin pie sauce on top. Finish this delicious drink with Pumpkin Spice Malt Ball crumbles and enjoy!