I've cut my coffee shop spending in half after getting these flavored syrups

I've cut my coffee shop spending in half after getting these flavored syrups

Published by
Lily Alig at Insider
  • Torani Flavored Syrups are so easy to bring into your morning coffee routine that I use them every day.
  • With just a tablespoon of flavoring, you can have coffee shop-quality drinks at home.
  • Check out more of our favorite products and services we tested this year.

Half Full Torani Chocolate Milano Plastic Bottle with Flavored Latte in Glass on Wooden Table

    If I have morning errands to run or my day is starting slowly, I treat myself to a vanilla latte or a mocha coffee at my local coffee shop. When I saw bottles of Torani Coffee Syrups behind the coffee shop counter, I had an idea: maybe I could make my favorite drinks at home and save some money in the process by ordering the same syrups online. 

    If you just don't like flavored coffee or it's a rare craving, I'd say continue to support your local coffee shops when you want a caramel latte. If you're like me and would love a splash of vanilla as often as you can get it, Torani Coffee Syrups are a great option. I tested the French vanilla, chocolate Milano, salted caramel, and peppermint syrups.


    How to use Torani Coffee Syrups

    Torani French Vanilla Bottle with Derle Whole Milk Carton and Coffee Bean Bag

    It's really easy to incorporate the syrups in your morning routine – you can drop in a spoonful at any stage of the coffee process and it will still taste good. Torani lists the serving size as two tablespoons, but I found that too sweet for my tastes, so I used one. The syrups blend with the coffee well and don't float to the top or sink to the bottom. 

    Torani recipes suggest steaming the milk and syrups together. I used my Nespresso milk foamer with a tablespoon of syrup to make a vanilla coffee, and the milk foamed just as well with the syrup as without. Occasionally, I will put a spoonful of the flavoring into the bottom of my mug and then pour coffee on top – it works just as well if you don't have a milk steamer or foamer. 


    How Torani Coffee Syrups taste

    When I tried to make DIY flavorings I always found it difficult to achieve the right ratio of vanilla or chocolate to sugar. It is too easy to over-sweeten your drink and lose the actual flavor of the coffee. The Torani syrups are well balanced — sweet enough that I don't need sugar in my coffee, but without an artificial aftertaste. I even took a spoonful of the foamed vanilla milk and it tasted like a gourmet marshmallow. The salted caramel was the only syrup that I found a little too strong; the flavor was overpowering.


    Coffee math

    I used my preferences to make these calculations.

    A Torani French Vanilla 375 ML bottle is $6.29.

    1 tablespoon per drink:

    = 25 drinks per bottle

    = 25 cents per drink 

    I buy a pound of Starbucks Verona ground coffee for $12.59.

    3 tablespoons of Torani syrup in a 12-ounce cup of coffee:

    = 67 cents per cup

    In Brooklyn, NY, a quart (32 ounces) of whole milk is $1.49. 

    4 ounces of milk per cup of coffee: 

    = 19 cents per drink

    I can make a vanilla coffee at home in my pajamas for $1.11



    The bottom line

    I recommend the Torani syrups if you want to diversify your coffee repertoire or just want an easy way to make the morning a bit more special. There are hundreds of flavors available and variety packs, so they make great gifts, too.


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