Q2 2021
2021 Summer Trends
With refreshment being the top consumer need state, how can you quench your customers’ thirst this summer while leaning into the top trends of 2021? By putting some minor tweaks on summer classics, you can take your summer LTOs to a whole other level!
Torani's Summer Trends Pourcast covers three core techniques across three so-cold-they’re-hot categories: cold coffee, refreshers and smoothies. All, of course, with unique and creative twists. Read on or click the button below to find out more...
Elevate Your Summer Drinks with these 3 Easy Techniques!
Here are 3 easy techniques that you can use in your summer beverages to create a masterpiece that:
- You can charge more for
- Customers won't recreate at home
- Adds a level of ocmplexity and sophistication
Ice-Free Blending
Blend cold drink ingredients together in a blender without ice. Pour over ice in a tall glass. "Dry blending" aerates the drink, creating a delicious foam-like texture that adds complexity to the mouthfeel and elevates the overall experience.
Vigorously shake non-carbonated ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker for 5 seconds, then strain the frothy mixture over fresh ice in a tall glass. Your customers will enjoy the theater, as well as the delightfully cold first sip they take of their well-balanced drink.
Adding Fruit Blends
Create the ultimate “tropical getaway experience” by adding Torani Real Fruit Smoothie Mixes or Torani Purée Blends to any iced tea, lemonade or sparkling beverage. This imparts a delicious texture and beautiful visual effect to the drink.
Energize Your Cold Coffee Offerings
Add excitement to your summer coffee LTOs by incorporating elements that customers wouldn’t typically make for themselves at home. Include cold foam toppers, nitro cold brew, sparkling water or shaken coffee to create an exciting, energizing experience for your patrons.
- Cold brew has a projected 4-year growth rate of 60.2%
- 90% of Gen Z consumers love iced lattes
1. Datassential Menu Trends
Iced Oatmeal Cookie Latte
Moon Rise
Iced Fortune Cookie Latte
Freshen Up Your Refreshers
As the temperature heats up, refreshers are poised to take center stage on menus. Refreshers are the perfect way to deliver the ultimate summer experience that both invigorates and hydrates. Don’t settle for the basics this summer – add some pizzazz to your lemonades by making them sparkling, or put more oomph in your iced teas by adding fruit inclusions!
- Refreshment is the most common beverage need state – influencing almost ¾ of all beverage occasions
- 56% of millennials will pay more for a beverage that is higher quality or a more interesting flavor
- Cold brew tea has seen a 300% growth in just 1 year
- Gen Z drinkers prefer green tea over black tea
1. Hartman Modern Beverage Culture Webinar, May 2019
2. Datassential Menu Trends
Caramelized Passion Fruit Cold Brew
Shaken Strawberry Shortcake Lemonade
Mango Agua Refresh-ca
Coconut Macaroon Tea
Shaken Lychee Lemonade Splash
Ube Bubble Milk Tea
Green Apple Mint Tea
Sea Foam Matcha
Elevate Your Smoothies
Smoothies are a great way to embrace both the “More Than Alternatives” and the “Culinary Tourism” trends. Create delicious tropical smoothies that transport your customer to a summer getaway with internationally inspired flavors. Or create “better-for-you” alternative smoothies by using plant-based milks.
- Young consumers lead purchasing in the smoothie category
- 67% of US consumers love/like smoothies
1. Hartman Modern Beverage Culture Webinar, May 2019
2. Datassential Menu Trends
Summer Pinks Cream Smoothie
Choco-Nut Smoothie
Wildberry Pie Smoothie
Tropical Oasis Smoothie
Lemon Cake Cream Smoothie
Peach Blossom Smoothie
Summer Trends Pourcast