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4th of July Pops


Skill Level


Flavor Profiles

  • 1 Tbsp. Torani Blue Raspberry Syrup
  • 1 Tbsp. Torani Coconut Syrup
  • 1 Tbsp. Torani Cherry Lime Syrup
  • _ cups of water divided in three

Combine Torani Blue Raspberry Syrup with _ cup of water and freeze as one layer in a ice pop mold. Freeze for one hour or until liquid has frozen completely. Repeat this step for each layer, using Torani Coconut Syrup and Cherry Lime Syrup.To scale up to make several pops, keep ratio of 1 part Torani to 1 part water. Mix and match different flavors!

Can be used with any 750mL Torani bottle

More Information
Recipe Ingredients 1 Tbsp. Torani Blue Raspberry Syrup, 1 Tbsp. Torani Coconut Syrup, 1 Tbsp. Torani Cherry Lime Syrup, _ cups of water divided in three
Recipe Instructions Combine Torani Blue Raspberry Syrup with _ cup of water and freeze as one layer in a ice pop mold. Freeze for one hour or until liquid has frozen completely. Repeat this step for each layer, using Torani Coconut Syrup and Cherry Lime Syrup.To scale up to make several pops, keep ratio of 1 part Torani to 1 part water. Mix and match different flavors!
Uses Sodas
Skill Level Intermediate
Flavor Profiles Fruit
Seasons Summer
Is Sugar Free No
Include in Allergen Table No

The nutrition information contained here is based on our current data. Because data may change from time to time, this information may not always be identical to the nutritional label information of products on shelf or purchased online.